Team Building Courses


A low ropes course is a ground-based obstacle course designed to encourage team building and personal development. These activities focus more on the physical aspect of team building. A series of cables, ropes and obstacles are set 2-3 feet from the ground. This activity tests a person’s physical strength, stamina, balance, agility and flexibility. Participants will be faced with the fear of falling, failure, and the fear of losing control. These activities are designed to make team members coach each other through their fears and work together to complete the tasks at hand.

THE GROUP COURSE (Spider’s Web, Electric Fence, Victory Traverse, King’s Finger and Big Wall)
These activities involve ground-based obstacles that challenge a team to pool their resources and work together to find solutions. Problem solving games are important because success can only be achieved once every member has contributed to the outcome.

Though these activities may be fun and exciting, the purpose of these courses is to meet developmental and team building goals. These courses are designed to explore team interaction, problem solving and leadership. Some common outcomes of participating in a ropes course are:

  • self confidence
  • team cooperation
  • decision making
  • communication skills
  • positive risk-taking
  • leadership skills
  • goal setting
  • employee motivation
  • social cohesion

In the end, these activities are designed to break down barriers and reduce self-consciousness. Participants are placed in positions where they are challenged to break out of their comfort zone and try new things.





Jo has been involved in full-time work at CGM camping ministry until 1987 and proponent in the development of the national association of Christian Camping in the pioneering and establishing stages. He became the first national director of CCI Philippines in 2007.

His passion in the camping and outdoor education work spanned almost 3 decades through his participation in the international community with the Christian Camping International forums and trainings in Australia, Japan, Malaysia, the Netherlands, Holland and USA. As such, his experienced enabled him to design effective team building facilities, teach and train facilitators as well as conduct various levels of team building programs.

Currently, he advocates experiential learning facilitation method as an effective tool in outdoor education, leadership trainings, creative camp programming, safety risk management, campsite facility development and adventure challenge course facility installation consultancy services.


Pons is an organizational development specialist with a decade of experience helping organizations grow.

His area of expertise are in the fields of Strategic Planning, line-of-sight consultancy and development, and Behavioral Soft Skills training. He can design and implement need-based capacity building initiatives for clients based on their current organizational gaps and goals.

His most prominent skill is his ability to give “outside-the-box” insights for clients. This flexibility allows him to provide non-traditional solutions to traditional problems.

He is also heavily involved in the martial arts. He has a 4th Dan Black Belt and currently the Vice President External for the Philippine International Taekwondo Federation.